Enhancement in aviation facilities in Mumbai is absolutely essential for keeping the leadership of Maharashtra in attracting Foreign Direct Investment thereby creating a place of pride for itself and add to the prosperity of its people. Therefore a second airport in the Mumbai Region has become imperative, as the existing airport at Mumbai, is fast reaching saturation level. To meet the growing demand of air travel CIDCO is soon going to develop a new airport.
The location of the proposed airport at Navi Mumbai has been considered on several parameters. Prominent among these is the fact that Navi Mumbai is expected to absorb the future growth in population, business and commercial activity of the region. The availability of physical and social infrastructure coupled with environmental friendly site with minimum resettlement and rehabilitation makes the Navi Mumbai airport project technically and financially viable.
The airport would be one of world's few ''greenfield'' international state-of-art airport offering world class facilities to passengers cargo, aircrafts and airlines.
The site of airport is located in an area of 1140 hectares accommodating two parallel runways for independent parallel operation with provision of full length taxi ways on either side of the runways. The airfield has been designed to accommodate the new large aircrafts compatible to aerodrome code 4-F, conforming to specifications of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Navi Mumbai International Airport will support the rapidly growing air travel needs of Mumbai Metropolitan Region. It is expected to absorb annually 10 million passengers in its first operational year 2012, doubling to 20 million by 2020 followed by 30 million passengers in 2025 and ultimately 40 million by 2030.
The Navi Mumbai Airport is proposed to be developed through public-private participation in which CIDCO/AAI will hold 26% equity and rest will by held by private developer to be raised through public bidding.
The growth in resident population in Navi Mumbai, rapid development of its Central Business District, coupled with economic activities such as Special Economic Zone, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Thane-Belapur and Taloja industrial areas and the huge catchment area ranging from Pune to South Mumbai would assure a steady growth rate in traffic at the new airport, thus assuring steady revenues to the investors. In addition the project opens-up the state’s vast hinterland rich in agriculture, floriculture, hi-tech high value industries to world market. Thus making the airport to act as a focal point for emergence of a transshipment centre in the Asian region.
The SPC would also be entitled to special benefits/incentives currently available on infrastructure development projects. The SPC mission would be to build and operate airport that will become exemplary worldwide based on top quality services, high safety standards and above all commitment to customer satisfaction.
Ministry of Civil Aviation (MOCA), GOI has given ‘In principle’ approval for the development of Greenfield airport at the Navi Mumbai and subsequently State Cabinet GOM has also approved the development of Navi Mumbai International Airport.
Accordingly prime consultant appointed by CIDCO, M/s. LBG-INECO-RITES Consortium, USA is working on preparation of master plan, detail project report etc. to enable to prepare procurement documents to initiate the bidding process.
CWPRS, Pune is appointed as consultant for hydrological 1-D, 2-D mathematical model study and physical model study. M/s. DHI, Denmark is appointed as International Expert Review consultant for CWPRS hydrological study.
MoEF vide notification no. S.O. 1243 (E) dated 15th May, 2009 amended CRZ Notification 1991, permitting the development of green field airport and related activities at Navi Mumbai in CRZ areas. Soon after amendment, CIDCO applied to MCZMA for approval of CRZ & MOEF for approval of TOR for carrying out EIA study for commencing the process of Environmental Clearance for the Navi Mumbai International Airport. MCZMA considered the proposal for CRZ approval on 16th July 2009 and thereafter, also recommended to MOEF. Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC), MoEF considered the ToR proposal in its meeting on 21st July 2009 & approved TOR on 4th August 2009. IIT, Mumbai is presently carrying out EIA Study. The various scientific studies suggested by MOEF & MCZMA as a part of Environment clearance for NMIA has already been commenced by CIDCO.
M/s. Hemant Sahai Associates has been appointed as Legal service consultant to prepare the necessary transaction documents for the project.
GSDA, Pune is appointed as a consultant for scientific ground water study.
Department of Life Science, Mumbai University is appointed as consultant for mangrove regeneration and re-plantation study. M/s. Lewis Environmental Services Inc. USA is appointed as International wetland / mangrove Expert Review consultant for regeneration & re-plantation of Mangroves.
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